Thursday, 21 March 2013

WEEK 03 :)

Hello! Good-morning (it's still morning where I am right now, and good-afternoon if you're reading this in the afternoon!)  In this week we worked a little on Flash, and we started to structure our first project!

In the first half of the lesson, we were learning how to trace, symbolise, and move objects using Flash! We traced a car (this is the car I traced)

We traced the outline of the car, to get the body shape that we needed for our symbol. 

Once we got the full body of the car, including the windows and doors, we excluded the wheels as we included it in later. We then started to fill the car with our preferred colour (I made my car pink!) First making large rectangles to cover the main body, then using the pain brush to fill in all the places that the squares couldn't. By having the guide outline if I painted over it, the line would still show and not be painted over. 

Once the car body was completed, I filled in the windows using a gradient colour of black and white (to add dimension and the effect of light hitting the windows) and made a new layer for the first wheel. After I completed the first wheel, and made it a symbol, I copied the wheel, created another layer and placed the second wheel in place. 

-and thats all we got up to so far, next week we will be adding frames and making the car and tires move. The more experienced Flash users will be adding a background street moving alongside with the car! 

In the second half of the lesson, our lecturer told us that we will be working on and creating our own 'postcard' to send in to the ABC OPEN website! A virtual postcard is where you have short clips and films, where you narrate over and explain what and where each clip is. 

ABC OPEN showcases clips made by independent film producers over Australia! The video post cards are usually very casual, friendly chat video about their topic. Exactly like a real postcard, minus the video! 

The twist our lecturer gave us was that our place that we're talking about, has to be Charles Darwin University! We have to make a short film about something to do with our connection with the university! 

I already have a lot of plans on what I am doing, but that will be kept a secret until next week! I'll defiantly show you guys the video once I finish it :) Have a lovely week! See you then. 

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